We all have people we meet along the way, connect with and know we adore. As we share what we are up to we create a vibration and lock into areas of compatibility. Meet Jane Bready!
Q: Tell us a little bit about you, your company and your company's mission.
A: I have been involved with motorsports for most of my life. It involves a lot of travel and being in very hot and sunny conditions. I had wished for skin care that was easy, travel-friendly and effective.
When COVID hit, I was not able to go to motorsports events, so, it was a perfect time to work with an aesthetician friend of mine to research and source the best ingredients for this skin care I had wished for. Then my son, who has a chemistry background, got involved and he came up with the base for all of our lotion bar stick products. He also came up with all of our signature scents. My daughter got involved in the marketing side, so it became a family affair, which I will be eternally grateful for.
I'm so glad we came up with what we did, because I realized how many other people were looking for an easy skin care solution, travel-friendly multi-purpose products to just make a busy lifestyle simpler. And, that is our mission - to make life simpler and easier. Our name Corsica is derived from a visit to that island - also called the Isle of Beauty and the Scented Isle.
The simplified luxurious lifestyle there epitomizes what we want for our products to represent. Corsica supplies a lot of the world's aromatherapy supplies, and we use their essential oils in our lotion bars. So, it is nice for us to bring a little bit of the Mediterranean lifestyle to our customers. We also feel strongly about setting an example for sustainability and giving back.
We source only sustainable ingredients, use no water in our products, use recycled and recyclable packaging, and partner with groups like 4Ocean, Treedom and the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (my Aussie roots).
Q: What is your superpower? Tell us about a moment you recall that your superpower served you?
A: I like that I have passion and a positive attitude, I don't listen to naysayers, and I hope I inspire others, but my superpower I believe is actually Good Sense. I hope that allows me to think of various issues, whether business, global or personal, with clear thought.
Q: What are your rituals for self-care, healing or de-stressing? Is there a special place you go?
A: I think if you make self-care products you have to believe in them and use them. I make sure to use our products daily, multiple times. Healing - prayer, meditation (although I'm not great at that for very long) and getting outside to peace and quiet with no sounds other than nature. De-stressing - big picture thinking, and focusing on the positives in my life which make any stressful situations less so, and then they become more manageable.
Q: With which Chakra do you most identify and why?
A: I think I'm between 5 and 7 so it's hard to choose. I do think I have good communication skills, but that is because of practice and a lot of listening, and I definitely get inspiration from others ( including my children) and give it freely. But, I am definitely drawn to 7 for the thought and energy, and who doesn't want a little enlightenment : )